Friday, April 12, 2013

Because Hydrogen is a light, odorless gas

"Hydrogen is a light, odorless gas which given enough time turns into people"

"Hydrogen is a light, odorless gas, which, given enough time, turns into people." When our universe began, it consisted mostly of hydrogen. That gas condensed into galaxies of stars, in whose cores heat and pressure fused atoms into heavier elements, including those necessary for life.

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 The above statement will make sense to you if you know it for a fact that when the universe began it consisted only of hydrogen and which fused to form helium through nuclear fusion and all other elements were and are being cooked in the stars and also if you know for a fact that aminoacids and ribo nucleic acid which are none other than complex chemical structures with an arrangement of carbon,hydrogen, nitrogen etc., in such a way that it somehow got replicated and if there are no doubts in your mind about evolution then etch it in your mind that you are nothing but a tiny, varying clump of matter in this universe with an added ability to think, theorize, discover and prove about it's own origin and journey. And this tiny, varying clump of matter existing in your lifetime is given a name(your name). It is a varying clump of matter because you are not a definite and exclusive "you" as there are a billion Escherichia coli inside you and CO2, O2, all type of elements in the form of food come and go out of your body..So you are a tiny, varying clump of matter of this universe and after your lifetime all the atoms of your body will be still be in this universe and which will eventually get transformed to other forms/atoms of matter in this earth and once our sun engulfs the earth and all other planets after 5 billion years when it becomes a red giant, all of the transformed atoms of the present "you" will go inside the sun for another spectacular stellar explosion to give rise to another star( read it as another sun as all stars are suns in a vast distance and they will not be in a star shape and they look star shaped because of the scattering of light in earth's atmosphere) and possibly another set of planets which may or may not host the bottom line is it took 13.5 billion years to get this tiny, varying clump of matter(you) formed in this rare life hosting does that sound as a good enough reason to live your life and appreciate your life..if you still wonder try contemplating about life 2000 years back and another 2000 years back and repeat this for another sixty seven lakh forty nine thousand nine hundred and ninety eight times to reach back 13.5 billion years in the past. So you are the universe and you are given this life to realize it truly and it goes with Vivekananda's words

In whom is the universe, who is in the universe, who is the universe; in whom is the soul, who is in the soul, who isthe soul; knowing that Truth--and therefore the universe--as our Self, alone extinguishes all fear, brings an end to misery, and leads to infinite freedom.

the great Tamil saint who wrote thirumandiram 1000 years before says that one ruins his life by not knowing who himself is and when he gets the knowledge as to whom he is and realizes that he is nothing but Him then he will worship himself as Him.

தன்னை அறிந்திடில் தனக்கொரு கேடில்லை
தன்னை அறியாமல் தானே கெடுகின்றான்
தன்னை அறியும் அறிவை அறிந்த பின்
தன்னை அர்ச்சிக்க தான் இருந்தானே !

- ஆசான் திருமூலர்

in 3 words

You are Him

and an implied meaning of all this is everyone is the same and it is our ignorance to remain divided in our own world, in our own self and not to have compassion to others or other life forms..abstinence from flesh is insisted in thirukural by thiruvalluvar

குறள் 251
தன்னூன் பெருக்கற்குத் தான்பிறி தூனுண்பான்
எங்ஙனம் ஆளும் அருள்

What graciousness can one command 251
who feeds his flesh by flesh gourmand

Monday, February 4, 2013

Because there is a world known as tamil

you might be aware of India but you might be unaware of tamil nadu...the southern most state of india speaking the ancient most language of mankind..yes it is one of the 13 official classic languages of the might very well step into a world unknown to you than getting depressed or being pessimistic about your life..stop coming to a decision about your life when you haven't tried to look an extra dimension which is already existing is unfair to say that i  have no drive or motivation and the realization should come that the world you are caught into is a tiny tiny world and there is a very big one existing in why not step into the world called whats the fun in learning about a new language when you think " I am not going to that country anyway " or "I wont transit in that place"..well, you might not want to go there as you have a generalized opinion about india like poor, dirty, etc.,there are about 20- 30 distinct languages spoken throughout india and even though hindi is spoken on a majority of the northern states its presence is almost non-existent in most parts of south india and especially tamil nadu..and it has all the ingredients like culture, art, history, language, politics of a separate country in the size of great britain and you might be totally unaware of it. if you wondered sometime about how was it like living in 3000 years ago then you might just want to read the literature of tamil..thats it you will be in a time machine that it will take you back eons backwards..dont worry we have english translations for every great piece of literary work..Tamil is being taught in University of California, Berkley and if you go to school there then it will be worth to take a look at the foreign languages department.. or you can go to tamil nadu to see the world in existence with full of life..or you can step into the world very quickly by seeing tamil movies..contemporary tamil cinema will no way give the feel of tamil literature and history but as I said it is contemporary and it will have the language spoken by everyday usage of common men. the everyday spoken/written language has nothing spectacular about.

As the language has been there for about 5000 years atleast the common people who know to read, write and speak will have no clue if they were given the literary master pieces written centuries before and hence in no way I will be able to explain or give a sense of it. Actually infact I can give a link where some of the tamil literary works have been translated to english.

Thirukural is the most respected literary work and is translated to almost every language and below has the english translation. Each poem is only of 2 lines with 7 words in total but it conveys great content succinctly.

the below are some poems in thirukural and you can see them with 2 lines made up of 7 words..there are about 1330 like these 2 line poems in thirukual discussing about varied topics from love to war..

    யாதனின் யாதனின் நீங்கியான் நோதல்
    அதனின் அதனின் இலன்.
    From what from what a man is free 341
    From that, from that his torments flee.

    உரமொருவற்கு உள்ள வெறுக்கை அஃ தில்லார்
    மரம்மக்க ளாதலே வேறு.
    Mental courage is true manhood 600
    Lacking that man is like a wood.

    வெள்ளத் தனைய மலர்நீட்டம் மாந்தர்தம்
    உள்ளத் தனையது உயர்வு.
    Water depth is lotus height 595
    Mental strength is men's merit.

    உள்ளுவ தெல்லாம் உயர்வுள்ளல் மற்றது
    தள்ளினுந் தள்ளாமை நீர்த்து.
    Let thoughts be always great and grand 596
    Though they fail their virtues stand.

and has many collections of tamil literary works. I dont think they have translations for all. You might find translations for Thiruvasagam, thirumoolar thirumanthiram online which are also great works..

 and tamil is written in tamil as தமிழ்

Monday, June 25, 2012

I hate monday's

I hate Monday's.. Why do we say so ..because we have already assumed that we know how that day will turn out to be..we only know the people in our work and the nature of our work..we don't really care about all the individuals living the same day with faces we haven't seen in our life and which we will very rarely see the next time to take a look at..we are locked in a very small world that we have created for ourselves and are happy to ignore the bigger picture...did we take a look at a the thousands of old people walking with a lifetime of memories or did we care to look at thousands of moms in the past right before our eyes with their children who mean the world to them..we did not look at that beautiful cloud pattern just above our head and the sunset on a weekday evening but we are trying to save money for a distant future trip to an island to enjoy a sunset on that particular day alone when the sun is in the sky on all days ..don't we miss a lot of life just before our eyes for a future driven by monetary we know who will stepin the lift in the next floor or do we know who will passby in front of us the next moment in the street but still we don't care to gaze at them..each one of them is also caught in their own world...worrying about their problems, looking at the ground and walking when a big picture is right in front of their eyes with a lot of activities, characters and nobody can say their life is monotonous because they don't know the outcomes of a day when 7 billion people are living in this individual can live a day in all the possible infinite number of combinations he can live like not going to work or going to work in a different route or getting fired from his work or and or and or....and when you multiply by that with the other 7 billion it is still an infinite number of ways that each person is living their day but it is their ignorance to believe that they are living a monotonous are you living a monotonous day or an entirley new day once in a lifetime and it is you to decide and look forward for an another monotonous, depressing, motivationless monday or another truely beautiful new day where you are also a part of it..

Thursday, December 29, 2011

why should I live

Because you are a part of a rare species that created wonders and not a part of a blue green algae(cyanobacteria)...of course life is difficult in every aspect being a human and it would have been a lot more easier being in a cyanobacterium colony where you can make food out of light and there is no need to earn a living...But you would have missed all the fun,miseries,grief,pain,love,pride that you experience as a human. You know that you are a part of an unimaginably big universe or probably you ignored that and started living in your own small world. But we can try to make you understand your place in the cosmos and you will start to appreciate the wonder of life whereas the little bacterium simply exists. But many people in this world lead the life of a cyanobacterium by simply looking in search of food or in human terms getting contended by money, food and other materialistic things and are leading or passionately in pursuit of a happy "existing" and simply forgot living..they don't know existing and living are two separate worlds and we are here to live and not to exist. Most of our problems comes from taking for granted that you are a human. You could have easily been any other life form and that's why I compared the life of a bacterium. With due respect to that little creature which existed for billions of years and gave rise to all forms of life today after its first appearance in this world some 3500000000 years before. And you standing in the last microsecond of this gruelling, wonderful, rare, epsiode called life which is telecasted only once, quietly contemplating in the corner of your house that your life is boring, that case atleast you should have been the bacterium whose persistent "existence" against all the odds had lead to this biodiversity and ironically you can't take pride for its achievement too..let me tell you one last thing to prove that you are remarkable that all the elements Fe(Iron), oxygen, carbon, potassium etc., that runs in your blood,cells in short you and your fellow men and every other living beings and of course the non living things like the planets, etc are made in the stars through the carbon nitrogen oxygen cycle and once the stars die and burst they form new star systems like our solar system and with all these ingredients life is blessed in this earth..aren't you part of this one big universe even in the atoms and molecular level.. you are left with only one believe that you are a truly wonderful being and to celebrate a human life...

oh is real hard to believe all the things I have written and to really appreciate this life and not to get into believing that life is monotonous as i am revisiting this post after 16 months and am writing/editing this last  paragraph of this post..i am in disbelief that i had written these things because I did not change my life and was caught inside a 9-5 job all these days and was made to run after money without any appreciation for life..let me come back to this post again in the future and will update anything changes in my approach to life..